BUG REPORT! Bad lag/ghosting!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DocWhisky, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    I played for a while this am farming cots for my dk. I experienced some sever lag/ghosting while playing. I was getting "tagged" by mobs i was running past, and started taking dmg while there was no mobs around me! I returned to the mobs I had just passed, and they were circled around an invisible ghost, and were hitting it... and I was taking the dmg!! I tried to hit the mobs and did no dmg! I then jumped to the middle of the mob and was able to kill them.

    I was in Misty ridge and the same thing happened... this time they killed me before I could return to the mob. I used the 40 ander rez, I rezzed in place and the mobs all disappeared. All of the quest drops, and item drops were still there but I could not pick them up and I was taking dmg again as well... no mobs in sight.

    Bug Reported.
    Thanks, Doc. :)
  2. Eduardö

    Eduardö Forum Mogul

    ho my god.
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