How do I post a ss

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Locket, Feb 13, 2014.

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  1. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Just wondering how I post a ss here??
  2. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    You need to upload your picture from your PC to a file hosting website. I personally like imgur (

    On the home page, click the upload link:

    Next, find your picture where you saved it.

    Click "Start Upload."

    Then, click on your uploaded picture to get a webpage for said picture.
    Then copy the URL for the new page with your image on it.
    Finally, copy this URL into the command line when you click the "image" icon at the advanced reply page of your post.

    Hope this helps. Also, BP implemented the F10 key now saves a screenshot to your desktop.
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  3. Locket

    Locket Forum Apprentice

    Ah ok awesome thanks a million :)
  4. [kreg]

    [kreg] Someday Author


    Thanks Sper for the intel on posting SS. you rock

    I know I need to get critl ht up and armor as well but what about the setup? what can i do to make it better?
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