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Discussion in 'Dragonknights' started by Spyke00, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    Wait a sec, i thought my post maybe got lost becuz my network is running very badly, was it actually DELETED by a Mod, becuz of being "offtopic"?
    I was only sharing my links for calculating DPI and total defensive power to help others choosing the best set!
    If thats "offtopic" then you will VERY soon see my LAST post on this forum...

    That post is very strictly IMO, can´t we even share ideas and help each other building our chars to be at their best? Ofc we shouldn´t go completely offtopic, but telling theories about optimal builds is a part of showing stats and chars! Numbers is one thing, but the idea and final target is the whole thing of building a char!
    moby31 and Master0fpuppets like this.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So I left the game for a while and while I was gone, they released the Keen's Might Set. I was also gone while Gorga was bugged and giving out Keen's items like candy. I came back and every end game DK and their brother had this awesome set. And so I farmed... for 5 months, and finally the gloves dropped for me. Well, on their own, the gloves weren't good enough for me to trade out my new Ammon's Gloves (I really like the 5.7% speed mine have). So I put them in my locker and waited. Fast forward 5 more months (today) and what should drop in Varholm but the boots! I was thrilled... these I could actually use! Now just to find the CoT's to ID them. So I join a random Q3 group and a random Neff drops the belt! What are the odds!!!!

    Thing is now I need to think long and hard about if I want to break my Defender's set (which before today was a no-brainer to use) and switch to the Keen't set. I guess I'll be doing a lot of number crunching in the next couple of days.

  3. Spyke00

    Spyke00 Regular

    what about this . no way to lvl up her :)


    keen is the best set , let defender's set and use keen , in place of defender's ring search another ring
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 8, 2014
    redpsy likes this.
  4. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    GZ finding the whole set!
    You did a very great job finding an alternative to Keens, but in the end, Keens is the set to rule them all! :p
    As far as i know, your hp would start a lift-off to space with keens, while your armor shouldn´t drop too much thanks to the insane armor from every part of the set.
    You would ofc lose your 5,7% speed from your gloves, but i would say that the 10% crit compensates(IMO it is only about dmg, crit and critdmg in PVE and speed nearly doesn´t matter, thats why i love my mace;)).
    If your HP goes very high, i would actually recommend you shifting to dark armor.
    Im playing 2H 90% of my time in PVE, and im playing with low HP and high armor.

    (Some theory of my playstyle)
    The reason is the cirkelhit(can´t remember what it is called in english).
    Healing 20% of the dmg done is what my playstyle is all about.
    Lets say you hit 1kdmg and then heals 200 HP.
    Your total defense is the same with af set of 5k HP and one with 7K(more armor compensates for HP).
    On the 5K HP set, you heal 200/5000*100=4% of your total HP.
    On the 7K HP set you heal 200/7000*100=2,85% of your total HP.
    The armor compensates for HP, so if was about taking hits, the 2 DK´s would last just as long as each other.
    That makes the 20% HP from leech more worth with low HP and high armor, thats why im going around on 2H with 7,5K HP and 3,9K armor;)

    And there is another thing, crit helps me insanely much tanking on 2H. Maybe its becuz of my insane critdmg(i get 39,9% from an enchant in my mace along with more from the gear), it helps me that much, but i still believe it is very important for all 2H to have high crit to heal from the insane dmg.
    I have tried both sargons powerfull armor and dark armor, i tanked twice as good with dark armor compared to sargons;)
    With dark armor, i heal all my HP only by hitting few monsters and heal 20% from the dmg.

    I think you should try Keens along with dark, it works VERY good for me;)
    I know you have the link to calculate DPI and have your own hard way to do it:)P), but i don´t know if you have the file for calculating defense, so here it is(should help A LOT): http://drakensang-free-online-mmorp...042-calculating-your-characters-strength.html
    It can also tell that armor is VERY important to get a high total defense, and the best shield for DK is actually 2 times block and 2 times reduction! ;)

    BTW, i WOULDN´T go for a lowlv ring instead of defenders, but just get a nice RoD. 2H users gets a lot of dmg from RoD simply becuz of the 2-3% dmg, so the glyphs isn´t worth it IMO;)
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I would gain about 1k armor and lose about 1.2k armor (the defender's set is awesome for armor!) and I would only gain about 300 HP from the set. The crit will be nice, and so will the extra little damage. I already considered that without the belt in play I can replace the Defender's Ring with a second RoD for even more DPS. I am actually only 10 Mortis frags away from getting another one so I'm hoping for an even better one this time. Time will tell, but when I come back and post my next set of stats, expect something nice!
  6. Káne

    Káne Forum Expert

  7. AlexgramGR

    AlexgramGR Forum Connoisseur

    u need some ressistances and u will be pretty good ;)
  8. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    Just Wow for yr DMG and also amazing Speed... I only can dream of... farming will be so easy with that kind of stats :rolleyes:
  9. Káne

    Káne Forum Expert

    Is easy yes ;) Mortis 700 blue :)
    nashedi000 likes this.
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I made up my mind... as nice and as coveted as Keen's Set is, it still can't beat the Defender's set. I replaced my boots and gloves with Keen's, but left the belt alone and as you can see, the results are amazing! For your curiosity if I change belts I lose over 1k armor and 80 resist for a gain of only 500 HP and 100 crit and a little damage. And given that I spend most of my time in PvE, travel speed is irrelevant.

    I also made a PvP build for flag carrying that has 4500 armor, 1300 block rate, 929 block amount, and 11.1k HP. I put it to the test and I made 60k honor in one day as a Centurion carrying flags against Marshalls and Flag Bearers. I'll put it this way... people better watch out when/if I ever make LVL 40 PvP and we start having "Fair" Fights. They won't stand a chance!
    Isteya likes this.
  11. kostas7090

    kostas7090 Forum Apprentice

    \ as old tank with your buil in 1vs1 you will not have even one chanche to win. You are full sargon with no criticlal so easy to kill you.i am tank full dark set 2500 critical 1.90 speed and 3700 armor with 7500 hp iam not for flag but in vs you have not chance
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I only use the Tank set up for Flags, but in the rest of PvP, I use my 2H set up. As I said above, I'm only a Centurion because I generally hate PvP and only do it so I can get the talents to use in PvE. But to say I have no chance? In 1V1, I have never been beaten by anything less than an KotO. In 3v3, I regularly outperform flag bearers on my team. When I do use my 2H setup for 5v5, I again dominate the place even when my team loses. Here is a great example.
    And in 6v6, the story is pretty much the same... I do well for myself.
    ... so please tell me again how I "will not have even one chanche to win."
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
  13. kostas7090

    kostas7090 Forum Apprentice

    I dont say that you are noob . I say that your 11000hp nd 4500 armor dont win 3700 armor and 7400 hp with 2500 critical and 1.90 speed in 1vs1 ang with my 5/5 dark set i run faster so ...same result
  14. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Nope it's not the same result. You are a glass cannon for carrying the flag and he's talking about CtF here, while you mumble about duels...
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    What I'm saying is that my 2H DK can dominate almost anywhere except as a flag carrier. I would never go into a duel with my flag carrier so saying that my 11k HP and 4500 armor couldn't beat a 7400 HP, 3700 armor, 2500 crit, 1.90 speed is irrelevant. What is worth saying is that my 10K HP, 3950 armor, 1100-1454 damage 2H DK would beat a 7400 HP, 3700 armor, 2500 crit, 1.90 speed DK unless they have both LVL 40 PvP and Cloaked Wrath. If you are on Agathon, I welcome you to come put it to the test.
  16. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I think that build would do pretty well in 1v1 and anywhere else. Even with lower critical rate, 1100 base damage is massive and would do nearly the same damage as a critical from the average endgame DK. I also noticed that kostas7090 didn't state his damage. I wonder... does his damage with critical equate to Baragain's damage without crit?
  17. kostas7090

    kostas7090 Forum Apprentice

    First of all ,i watch yor player since your first photo in the forum .i can say that your job is great but you pay too. Not bad i pay too thats why with full dark set and i have 7400 hp with 2 ofensive rings so if i meka a build for falg will be same like yours not bad at all,but in duel arena wtith tow handed dk and with no block i dont now ..but if works for you good i can tell that that you now better than me about tow handed(i dont have two handed build)also i am flagbearer so yes i have 40lvl talent yes.but cloked worth no but a geat damge obsidian sword..sorry i am in grimag but i will make a playr in your server to talk with you in tha game tell me your name pls...

    -- MERGED --

    Also i forgot to say my damge rigt hmm 750-810 not perfect but it dids his job well with 5x15 damage stones if anyone of you are in grimg he can test me in duel we will fun a lot with some mages maybe..
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2014
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'll take that as a compliment. The closest I've ever come to "Spending" on this game is when someone gave me money to get premium for a month as a Christmas gift. If that makes me a P2P, then ok, I'm a "P2P", but normally, I am a cheapskate and refuse to spend money on my online gaming addiction. I was recently a participant in the Beta for a new well know MMO (I'll give you a hint, it starts with an E and ends in an O with an S in between) . It was a great game and I would love it if they had released it as a F2P/P2P game. If they had, I'd be playing it instead of DSO, but they didn't, so here I am. So, as said, I'm flattered that you think I pay. I'll let you in on the "secret" of how I make so much ander. I start a new character, get him to LVL 10 using quests, and then do the first two PvP quests and make relatively fast andermant. I then reset the character with the andermant from the second PvP quest and do it again.

    BTW, my character names are in my signature. My knight is the only one I play much and I put 95% of my time into him or the easy ander farming for him. I can only hope that the developers find a way to do cross server PvP. It would be fun to test ourselves against some of the big names on the other servers.
  19. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    That kind of base dmg is not high enough for a 2h DK if you want to compare dmg to a 1h DK. Bargain is tanky for a 2h DK though. 1 handed DKs can have lots of dmg. The ones with less dmg usually uses a cloaked wrath which packs lots of dmg with a crit. With the DK talent tree, if you really want junk loads of dmg, I've seen my friends with higher dmg than that. Pretty nice job in the CTF, although I have to say your opponents must not be used to fighting 2h DKs (especially since you don't have any travel speed). With that kind of dmg and crit, you won't be killing me though, since you have to land several hits and I know how to run from 2h DKs instead of standing there and taking the hits.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Too true about players not used to fighting 2H tanks... I've played many other games (like LoL or DotA) and my favorite characters are Ganks that seem to come out of nowhere and kill unsuspecting players yet have enough hp/armor to get away to fight another day. A well timed jump/spin or a well timed jump/smash (maybe a headbutt in there for good measure) and they go down. Mix that with a smart team that knows how to support a 2H DK and the opponents just melt away.
    thebearreturns likes this.