Why are Mods giving "incomplete" answers?

Discussion in 'Help' started by The*Defiant, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    And therefore "inaccurate answers" to our questions? Case in point:

    Not sure if i am doing something wrong. I have Lvl 6 sternpost, Lvl 6 Center Beam, Level 5 Wind at your Back, Lvl 5 Sails, and a lot of other players seem to be twice as fast. What do i need to change to at least match their speed?


    All the speed bonuses in the game include:
    • Queen's legacy
    • Centreboard
    • Sternpost
    • 5 skills in Wind at your back
    • Speed above 50% hp Gem
    • Level 5 sails.
    As question is fully answered, I shall close.


    Wrong! I have played 5 years and this irritates the heck out of me, and it wasn't even *My* question! The answer is incomplete and since the Mod closed it for no further reply, it really misleads the Poster.

    You forgot to mention the "Ship's Pilot Level 2", the Rowers Level 6, and the Blockade Runner Gem (when damaged or on fire). You might also have added (since it is a "speed" question) that many players are *not* aware that while "Swiftstones" give you a temporary burst in speed, "Pumpkin powers" give you an additional 10% on top of that. And this description remains in the "Market Cove" regarding the "Level 2 Yawl": Your powder monkeys need a level 2 yawl to sail quickly when the wind dies.

    Just looking at the AMS Speed Update charts would have yielded the additional (and correct) information on the Pilot, Rowers, and Blockade Runner. So my question remains: why was an incomplete (thus wrong) answer given and the thread promptly closed for no further comments? Thank you.

  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please may I state that to pull up one of our moderators that give their time and help for players with little or no recompense, is not acceptable. Whilst I understand your frustration please remember all our moderators have to train, and so if sometimes an answer seems to be in your opinion incomplete and they have closed the post in your opinion early, you can restart another post stating the added information, or if the post is not closed add to the thread.

    While we have new moderators training, it would be nice if the more experienced players could help out rather than try to show the moderator in question up and to disrespect them on the forum.

    The information may have had more information that could have been added this does not mean this was incorrect. The information the moderator gave was correct in what he placed.

    Please take time out to read this thread and think about the new trainee moderators that are placed in the forum with no other place to train and some times no other board moderators around to assist in their answers.

    I appreciate the time you have taken to give us your feedback, however would request that next time you consider your words before posting.
  3. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    As a former college Professor, I am quite surprised that you do not realize that an "incomplete" answer is regarded as an "incorrect one". Giving out answers that mislead or are incorrect does the players (like myself - 5 years and a significant amount of dollars paid to Bigpoint....*to-date*) no good. If the Moderator was not properly trained or works for free, that is *not* my problem. It is still a "job" and should be performed with a striving towards excellence. This is also supposed to be a Forum for (at least - "limited" free speech), so that was what I did: expressed my opinion freely. And I personally have contributed numerous times to help other players with their questions (for free), and do not get offended if others choose to "take me to task" and disagree. One purpose we all should have here in this Forum is to improve the game and the enjoyment of playing it, which includes the dissemination of complete and accurate answers to all player questions. Thank you.
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    "If the Moderator was not properly trained"

    The moderator is under training at this time which is what I stated previously. The only training our moderators can undergo is on a live forum where there is no hiding place. There is no where for mistakes to be hidden or pushed under the carpet, and occasionally there will be errors. This is unavoidable.

    "so that was what I did: expressed my opinion freely"

    I totally agree that this is a forum on which you can state your own opinions and thoughts, however as I stated a little bit of thought on how you word your posts would be appreciated. There are many ways in which you could have expressed your opinion without resulting to being rude almost to the point of being insulting.

    Our focus is to assist and help players and to strive to help them further enjoy the game in the best way we can. If this occasionally falls short due to the training of new moderators, which do treat their position as a job and always give 100% then we can only apologise if you feel that it is not up to your exact standards.

    However I will as always stand behind the seafight team, be it Chat Moderators, Board Moderators or Admins. I will also state that I am extremely proud of their work and their abilities. They all strive to improve the game and the enjoyment of playing it, for you and all players alike, regardless to whether the pirate is a play for free player or uses monies to further his enjoyment of the game.

  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    As this has turned into a debate and is now off-topic, you may close this thread. :)
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As per the OP request, this thread is now closed.

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